
Anonymous Hackers turn Remote Viewers into Weapons

Anonymous Hackers are having a difficult time working alone after the recent FBI raid that left core members behind bars. most are confused as to what direction they should go, who they should attack, and who will teach them the skills to gain access to systems with secure passwords.

After many ideas were passed around, a hacker that assisted wikileaks who goes by the name as b1gmonieZ came up with a unique solution to the problem. he suggested that they utilize social networking sites like twitter to seek out remote viewers.

Most people may not be aware what a remote viewer is, and those who have heard about this supernatural ability only turn their noses up at it. regardless if you believe in remote viewing, it is apparent that the United States Government takes it seriously.

In 1979 the Army's Intelligence and Security Command was ordered to develop a program utilizing remote viewers and in 1995 the CIA took over the project. There have been several operations that have been funded recently, including Schnabel in 1997, Smith in 2005, and in 2001 Atwater.

We have to wonder what the capabilities of Anonymous Hackers could be if they have the ability to use psychic powers to see into secret databases at top secret government facilities and National Security contractors.

The most troubling thought in a Hacker actually seeing what you see, not even super secure picture password solutions provided by Tricerion are safe from a Remote Viewer.

(yes this conversation really took place) where? anonops IRC